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Expression of Interest: Accommodation, Land and Property for Social Housing




Donegal County Council invites expressions of interest from property owners who have property that may be suitable for social housing purposes, which they are interested in selling.


Properties can be in town and villages throughout the county, and can include:

  • existing houses or apartments
  • commercial units
  • derelict buildings and sites
  • parcels of land – greenfield and brownfield sites.


Ideally, properties should be in close to sustainable communities and within walking distance of amenities and services, i.e. schools, shops, community and recreational facilities, restaurants etc.


Lands being offered for sale should be suitably zoned, i.e. suitable for immediate residential development, serviceable, and directly accessible from the public road.


The sites should generally be level or have gentle slopes. Contaminated ground and sites prone to flooding will not be considered.


An expression of interest must contain the following information:


  1. Owner’s contact details (name, address, phone number, email address)
  2. Site location map showing the boundary of the lands/property
  3. Proof of ownership by vendor (i.e. copy of folio)
  4. Confirmation of acreage for land, or
  5. Confirmation of size for property
  6. Details of current land zoning as per the relevant Local Area Plan/County Development Plan
  7. Copy of relevant planning permission, if applicable
  8. Price


Expressions of Interest or queries should be submitted to the following:


By Post:                Housing Capital Section, Donegal County Council, The Three Rivers Centre, Lifford, Co. Donegal, F93 PN3H


Email:                    [email protected]


The Council will review submissions and engage with property owners, as necessary.  The Council is not obliged to accept any expression of interest received under this process.


Acquisitions shall be subject to: negotiation, independent valuation, value for money, funding availability, Departmental approval, and Contract.


Donegal County Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2014.