What is the Walk & Talk Challenge?
The Walk & Talk Challenge is a workplace health promotion initiative being rolled out by Donegal County Council through the Staff Health and Wellbeing Office in conjunction with Healthy Donegal. It kicks off on National Workplace Wellbeing Day, Friday 28th April 2023 and will run over a four-week period until 26th May 2023. The challenge is open to all Donegal County Council staff and builds upon HSE guidelines which recommend “at least 30 minutes a day of moderate activity 5 days a week” for adults aged 18-64 years old. Click on the link for more information – 'Lets Get Active Leaflet' This a light-hearted, fun group event that builds on the momentum of last year's pilot workplace walking challenge, and aims to promote the physical, mental and social benefits of exercise!
This year, Donegal County Council has also signed up to the Irish Life Workplace Fitness Challenge 2023 which offers us a further fun, competitive way to work together as an organisation to improve our fitness!
What are the benefits of physical activity?
Studies show that physical activity can help
Donegal County Council through the Staff Health and Wellbeing Team and Healthy Donegal is helping to create and sustain a healthy place for our staff through the implementation of the Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2024.