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Covid 19 - Community Supports

The COVID-19 outbreak is a challenge for individuals and communities across Ireland. In these exceptional circumstances, all community members have a role to play in helping those who need extra support.


Sensible Volunteering


Some tips for sensible volunteering include:


  • Only volunteer if you are well enough to do so
  • Do not volunteer if you have travelled outside Ireland in the last 14 days
  • Always follow the HSE guidelines for hand washing, sneezing/coughing and practice social distancing


Advice for people receiving assistance



  • Follow the latest HSE guidance on hand washing, sneezing/coughing and social distancing.
  • Clean any object that volunteers or others deliver to your home, if possible.



  • Hug or shake hands with people who are visiting you.
  • Share objects that touch the mouth, such as bottles or cups.
  • Answer the door to someone you don’t know unless you feel comfortable doing so. If someone calls to the door from an organisation, ask to see identification. Call the organisation to check their details if you need to.
  • Let someone into your house unless you know them or it is absolutely necessary.
  • Give cash, your bank details or your credit/debit card to anyone you don’t trust.


Please find below links to contacts and information you may find useful:-


Donegal PPN Covid 19 Contact Numbers


You Your Community and CORVID-19


Advice on the Recruitment of Volunteers for Community & Voluntary Groups


Sensible Volunteering in response to Covid-19


How can I Volunteer in response to COVID-19 (002)


Advice For Vulnerable People


How to Protect Against Fraud and Generate Trust