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Daniel Doherty Papers P11

Daniel Doherty Archive 


The personal papers of Daniel Doherty of Malin Head and Boston.

Doherty was a native of Malin Head, Inishowen, Co. Donegal. At home he was apparently given the nickname of  'Jammer' Doherty.  Doherty's brother Brian, a fisherman, drowned at sea in the early 1900s. Daniel Doherty emigrated from Ireland to the USA, arriving in Maine in 1909. He worked for the Old Boston Consolidated Gas Company.  He married Nora McGonagle Doherty and they had one daughter, Mary. Doherty joined the US Army at Fort Bliss, Texas and served as an American soldier in France during the First World War. His activity in the War included being involved in battle for the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, one of the final campaigns of the war.

Most of his life, Doherty lived in Boston. He became chairman of the County Donegal Association of Greater Boston in the nineteen sixties. He was also the Chair of the Central Council of Irish County Clubs, Boston; and chairman of the Committee for the Unification and Liberation of Ireland. He lived in Chelsea Old Soldiers' Home and Veterans' Home for at least ten years in his last years.

The collection consists mostly of letters and telegrams, newspaper clippings, cards, loose newspaper items, photographs. The majority of the material is related to matters of Irish interest or Irish/American activities. The letters are also mainly to and from politicians, including Robert Kennedy, John F. Kennedy and General Charles de Gaulle. 

*Not every item in the collection has been digitised due to the ephemeral nature of some of the archive.

The Descriptive List (Catalogue) below describes the entire collection in detail.


The archive was donated to Donegal County Council in the 1990s.


Descriptive List (Catalogue):


Daniel Doherty Archive: Catalogue (Descriptive List)



Collection Digitised:




Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-1

Donegal Association & Central Council of Irish Co Clubs in Boston including Hugh Farren bridge, Boston (1962 - 1963);   



Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-1-2

Invitations issued relating to Daniel Doherty



Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-1-3

File relating to the Irish-American campaign for complete Irish Independence from Britain and the Unification of the the island of Ireland, 1950 - 1960.


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-1-4-1

Donegal Association presents cheque to J.F.K Memorial Library Fund, 1965.


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-1-5

Document written by Daniel Doherty relating to the contribution the Irish Clubs and Organization made in Boston. Two men from Donegal are mentioned, "Paddy the Cope" (Dungloe) and Rev. Fr. Dyer (Glencolumbkille). 1964.


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-1-6

Includes a Western Union telegram from John McCormack, Speaker U.S House of Representatives. 28 May 1965. He extends to Daniel Doherty and John McEleney (both notable members of the Donegal Association of Boston) his "deep expressions of friendship and respect". McCormack regrets that due to Washington business he cannot attend the banquet honouring Doherty and McEleney, adding that by honouring these two men, those who attend the banquet "honour themselves."





Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-1-1 

Photograph of Judge Daniel F. Cohalan, Eamon de Valera, and John Devoy on 24 June 1919. At the back of the photograph is an attached newspaper clipping showing the same picture and entitled "De Valera at New York Reception". The photograph was supplied by the International Film Service Co. Inc, 226 William St. N.Y and published in May 1964 by the Boston Herald.  


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-1-2

Newspaper article entitled, "Red Carpet for "Dev" Now but in 1919....." The article has two pictures of de Valera, one taken in 1919 with the title" A Clandestine Meeting", and the other taken in 1964 entitled, "A White House Welcome".  1964.


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-1-3

‌Invitation from Mr. Joseph Gannon and Mr. Eugene Sheehan requesting the company of Daniel Doherty at a small reception in honour of Pres. de Valera on 3 June 1964 at the Logan International Motel, Boston. 


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-1-4

Photograph of Daniel Doherty greeting Eamon de Valera. Note: This photo was most likely taken at the aforementioned reception. Newspaper article written by Brendan Malin from the "Boston Globe" dated 1 January 1969 entitled "Green Patch" and with sub-heading "De Valera Readies Historic Speech".



Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-1-5

Newspaper article written by Brendan Malin for the Boston Globe entitled, " Ireland Marks 50 Years of Parliament with Memories".  1969. (First Dáil sat in January 1919.)

Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-1-6

Newspaper article from the American Record, Boston, entitled, "Ireland's Parliament Notes 50th Anniversary". Issued on 22 Jan 1969.



Daniel Doherty Papers, P11- 2-1-7

‌Newspaper article entitled, "Hub Irish Circles Buzz at Attack on de Valera" with a sub-heading, "Daniel Doherty Says He Has Brought Republic no Nearer". 



Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-2

Newspaper articles relating to the 1916 Rising and the question of independence from Britain. 1966 - 1969.



Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3

Daniel Doherty and the Irish Republican Cause: 1956-1976
This file consists of newsletters, membership documents, letters, and thoughts of Daniel Doherty relating to his involvement with Irish republican affairs in Boston.


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-1

Membership card from the American League for an Undivided Ireland dated 20 Jan 1956. T‌elegram from the Department of State dated 1 June 1960. Temple Wanamaker (Director at the Office of Public Services) informs Doherty that his telegram had been referred to the Department of State who believe that the question of partition in Ireland is a matter for the United Kingdom and Ireland to determine. 


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-2

Two-page campaign letter from the Irish National Caucus. 


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-3

A memorandum sent on behalf of Dublin-based "Paddy McLogan Memorial Committee" from "The Irish Freedom Committee of New York, Inc." The document speaks of the sudden death in June 1964 in Blanchardstown, Dublin, of Paddy McLogan, Irish Republican.


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-4

Article entitled, "Building educated audience" in the Boston Sunday Globe 18 Feb 1968. Whilst this article is not related to Irish politics, Doherty has hand written in the margins that the following statement could be used when referring to Dec 1918 election when Ireland voted for Independence.


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-5

‌Note on newspaper relating to James and Nora Connolly, 1964


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-6

‌Letter to Daniel Doherty, 27 Mar 1972,  Bridie Twomey, Exec. Secretary, Irish Republican Aid Committee thanking Doherty for his generous donation. It is said to have been of "great assistance in efforts to help the oppressed people in Ireland".  


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-7

Typed speech stamped by the "Permanent Mission of Ireland to United Nations". It is dated Feb 1972, a week after Bloody Sunday. It is an appeal to the international community to support the Irish Government in its attempts to end the crisis in Northern Ireland.


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-8

‌Letter from Irish Northern Aid (Boston Chapter) to Daniel Doherty dated March 1974, requesting donations to alleviate the suffering of those in Northern Ireland. 


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-9

Newsletter from the Irish Northern Aid Committee-Publicity Bureau of which John McGowan, Jack McCarthy, and Michael Flannery are the U.S representatives.


 Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-10

Personal note to Daniel Doherty signed from Mary (his daughter). In the note she says that she thought Daniel Doherty would enjoy the article she has enclosed. The article in question is from the Irish Echo dated Aug 1976 and is entitled, "Green and Orange Step Together".  1974.


 Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-11

A newspaper clipping from the Boston Globe Sept 25 1976. The title of the article is "Rhodesian Majority Rule, 1976. Annotated by Doherty.


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-12 

Newsletter to Daniel Doherty from the "Massachusetts Irish National Caucus" dated 9 Aug 1976 requesting that people lobby their congressmen to support Congressman Silvio Conte's resolution calling for American involvement in the conflict in Northern Ireland. 


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-13 

Poem written in Daniel Doherty's hand "after Mr. Maxwell died" It was written about Mr. Maxwell who was and old I.R.M, writer for the Irish Echo and who was imprisoned, 1970s.


 Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-14

‌6 page analysis of "The Story of Ireland as told by Conor Cruise O'Brien". It is written in Daniel Doherty's hand. c. 1972.


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-15

‌Document written in Daniel Doherty's hand in which he writes about Winston Churchill (recently deceased, 1965) and his involvement with the party that "conspired" with Edward Carson following the passing of the Home Rule Law for Ireland by the British Parliament. c. 1970.



Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-4

American newspaper articles relating to the political climate of Northern Ireland (1968-1977)


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-5

Correspondence with Senator Nora Connolly O'Brien, 1964


 ‌Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-6

Documents relating to Doherty's response to an editorial in The Christian Science Monitor which referred to Kennedy's exclusion of Northern Ireland in his visit to Ireland as a mistake. 1963 - 1964.





Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-3-1

documents relating to Doherty's personal matters and involvements including leters and invitations and notes, c.1959 - 1968.


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-3-2

Documents on life in ireland, including a letter from Helen O'Donnell to Daniel Doherty dated 19 April 1967. She explains that Bill McDermott was happy to give Daniel Doherty the article entitled "Dear Old Donegal", which Helen O'Donnell has enclosed. The article in question "Dear Old Donegal" by Josephine Patricia Smith and featured in the "Irish World and American Industrial Liberator and Gaelic American" newspaper. 1960s.


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-3-3

This file contains documents relating to Doherty's thoughts/documents relating to living conditions of the elderly (including his personal circumstances), 1964 - 1970.


‌*P/11/3/4 - P/11/3/6 were not digitised* (ephemera, personal, financial documents, see catalogue for more information).


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-3-7

Cards and postcards from friends and family to Daniel Doherty, 1965 - 1966


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-3-8

Newspaper called "The Chelsea Record" (Hospital Edition). On the front page is a picture of Daniel Doherty taken at the Old Soldiers Home, Chelsea in May 1977.  The article in which Doherty is interviewed is called "A Home for all who Served" and is written by Joshua A. Resnek. The article is about the veterans who reside at the Soldiers Home in Chelsea, Doherty being the case study. It describes Doherty as a World War One veteran who fought with "Black Jack" [General] Pershing's First Army in the Argonne Forest. It states that Doherty came from Ireland in 1909, worked for Old Boston Consolidated Gas Company, joined the Army and returned to his job when war was over. "He worked the rest of his life, never acquiring great riches or financial security and when his wife died ten years ago, (After a lengthy illness that wiped Dan's life savings out) he came up to the home." Of the Soldiers Home Dan says, "The people are concerned here. They make life worth living." Doherty arrived in Portland, Maine from Ireland after an 18 day journey on a tramp steamer.   


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-2-3-9

This file contains a photocopied photograph featuring from left to right; Daniel Doherty, Steven Casey, and Pat McCarthy. Date and context unknown.



Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-3-10

Eleven empty stamped envelopes mostly addressed to Doherty. The envelopes are not in their original context. 




This file contains various clippings from American newspapers relating to miscellaneous aspects of Irish life/news from the late 1950's-1970's. 



Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-4-2

This file consists of an eight-page sermon delivered by Gerald L. Bucke, Parish Priest, St. Joseph's Parish, Boston. The homily was delivered 19 Sept 1976. This copy of the sermon was printed by the Archdiocese of Boston. The subject of the homily is "The Irish Contribution to the American Nation." 1976.




Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-5

This file consists of various documents relating to the 6400 Utah sheep deaths on 13 March 1968. The documents include official letters, telegrams, hand-written notes, and newspaper clippings. 1968 - 1969




Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-6-1


This file contains letters and telegrams between the Kennedy brothers (John, Edward, and Robert) and Daniel Doherty:

-Memorandum dated 15 Dec 1952, from John F. Kennedy, the United States Senate Washington D.C, addressed to "Members of the 1952 Senatorial Campaign Committee".  

-Telegram to Senator John F Kennedy dated 14 July 1960 from Daniel Doherty stating that he is offended that Kennedy is in favor of electing Senator Johnson of Texas as his vice president. The cause for his offence is that 10 years ago Burlison (Texas representative) was vehemently opposed to the freedom of Ireland at the Washington Hearings.  
- Letter from the Western Union Telegraph Company to Daniel Doherty dated 19 Aug 1960. They enclose the original telegram to J.F.K of July 14 and they request payment of 16.52 dollars.

- Western Union telegram dated Mar 19 1965 from Daniel Doherty to Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Doherty warns Kennedy of his intention to climb Mount Kennedy in Canada, telling him that having had experience climbing in the Rocky Mountains, he would advise him to think twice about the climb as he does not have training or experience. - A reply from Robert F. Kennedy of the United States Senate, 28 May 1965, to Mr. Doherty thanking him for his concern and stating that the climb was a success.
- A letter from Edward M. Kennedy of the United States Senate, 21 July 1965, to Daniel Doherty thanking him for his recent correspondence regarding the Social Security Bill and the need to raise the monthly minimum. Kennedy tells Doherty that Senate passed a bill 68-21 allowing for the establishment of the Medical Care program and an increase in Social Security benefits. He says that having passed the "House of R epresentatives, the bill now is being considered by a joint House-Senate conference committee."

- Telegram addressed to Daniel Doherty dated 2 Sep 1965 from Senator Edward M Kennedy saying that "Re your telegram of 1 Sep, hearing was held, committee approval obtained and state confirmation completed on that date." Note: No evidence to suggest what hearing was about.


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-6-2


Letters and telegrams of correspondence between John W. McCormack and Daniel Doherty relating to Irish politics, American political policies (Social Security Act), and personal affairs. Includes:

- Letter from John W. McCormack, Majority Leader of the House of Representatives, United States Congress. Letter addressed to Daniel Doherty and is dated 10 Feb 1959. McCormack addresses Doherty casually as Dan. McCormack tells Doherty that he has received his telegram and that in relation to Doherty's query, he has no knowledge how the arrangements were made for Pres. O'Kelly to be the guest of Pres. Eisenhower. He was only involved in extending an invitation to Pres. O'Kelly to visit the united states.

- Letter of reply from John W. McCormack to Daniel Doherty dated 27 June 1960. He tells Doherty that because he is no longer the Chairman of the Platform Committee at the coming Democratic National Convention, he cannot invite Doherty to appear before the Platform Committee. He says, however that he has written to new Chairman Chester Bowles asking him to give Doherty the opportunity. He ends by saying , "If I were chairman I would be looking for you to appear."
- A copy of the letter written by McCormack to Chester Bowles dated 27 June 1960, recommending that he arrange for Doherty to appear at the above convention. He says that Doherty is a "very close and valued friend" of his. Whilst he does not know to what purpose Doherty wants to speak, he presumes it is to do with "an appropriate plank for Ireland".

- A handwritten letter from John W. McCormack of The Speaker's Room, U.S House of Representatives to Daniel Doherty thanking him for his telegram. Letter is dated 14 December 1963. We do not know the context of the letter but he says, "Some columnist think they are supreme, and that they have a monopoly on brains." He ends by sending Doherty and his loved ones greetings for the "Holy Season".

 1959 - 1976



Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-6-3

‌This file contains the correspondence between Doherty and Saltonstall (U.S Senate) regarding Medicare (health care for the aged) and the Social Security Act, 1965.

Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-6-4

This file contains correspondence between the President of France, Charles de Gaulle, and Daniel Doherty, including a handwritten draft note dated 1 Feb 1960 from Doherty to de Gaulle praising his "consistent and courageous action in Algeria which is in keeping with your heroic life-long action in support of your beloved France. As a former American soldier who served in France 1918, I salute you." Handwritten note from de Gaulle to Doherty dated 2 Feb 1960 thanking Doherty for his testimony/token. Note: This is probably a reply to above note written by Doherty 1 Feb 1960. Other letters too. 6 items.  1960 - 1962.


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-6-5

A typescript copy of letter from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Daniel Doherty dated 22 August 1932. He thanks Doherty for sending Doherty's publication, "Who Will be the Next President, Hoover or Roosevelt?". He adds "I appreciate the prophecy in the book, and hope I may live up to the ideals with which you credit me." Along with the letter is a copy of the aforementioned 4 page pamphlet written by Daniel Doherty. The book discusses who will be elected any why. Doherty concludes Roosevelt will be elected.


Daniel Doherty Papers, P11-6-6

‌This file contains correspondence between Doherty and Edward J. McCormack (Attorney General ), Office of John L. Lewis (United Mine Workers of America), David Brinkley (NBC), British Embassy in America, and Mike Mansfield (Majority Leader, United States Senate). Two of the documents relate to Irish politics. 4 items. 1960 - 1965. 


P/11/7 has not been digitised (copies of American newspapers/clippings. See Catalogue above for more information.)