Donegal County Council has agreed to draw up an Irish Language County Plan in conjunction with various agencies and organisations across the county, in line with the National 20 Year Strategy for the Irish Language 2010-2030. The Council agreed with the Minister for the Gaeltacht and Department Officials that this Irish Language plan would be integrated into the work of the Local Community Development Committee for Donegal (LCDC) and with the Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP).
As a result of a public consultation carried out in relation to a County Plan for the Irish Language in 2016, it was decided that the drafting and wording of any such plan would be best carried out after a greater number of the Gaeltacht Language Planning areas in Donegal had completed their Language Plans and had appointed Language Planning Officers. This is now the case at the beginning of 2020, and work will recommence in early 2020 to draft a Donegal County Language Plan.
In the interim, since 2016, goals, objectives and actions pertaining to the preservation and promotion of the Gaeltacht and the Irish language have been incorporated into the Local Economic and Community Plan 2016-2022. The LECP Plan contains a total of 41 Actions which specifically mention the Irish language. Given the range of agencies involved in this work, these goals and actions constitute a de facto Irish Language County Plan until such time as this has been finalised.
These goals, objectives and actions serve as the guiding principles for the Council and various agencies and organisations in their work within Donegal in relation to the preservation and promotion of the Irish language in the area of community and economic activity.
Donegal County Council, in conjunction with various state agencies, Irish language organisations, Gaeltacht Language Planning Area Lead Organisations, Gaeltacht Service Town lead-organisations, and other interested parties, will continue to work together and collaborate to support the implementation of the various current Irish language plans and schemes. We will also work together, where appropriate, to implement the objectives and actions in the Donegal Local and Economic Community Plan 2016 – 2022.
The 41 Irish Language Action Points contained within the Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) can be accessed at the link below.
Irish Language Actions in Donegal Local Economic and Community Plan 2016 - 2022