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Services in Irish from DCC


Spoken Service

Our Customer Contact Centre on (074) 91 53900 is the first point of contact for all our services via phone. Members of the public will be given a language choice between Irish (Press 1) or English (Press 2) when they call Donegal County Council's Customer Contact Centre at the number above. We would encourage the public, both native speakers in the Gaeltacht, or Irish speakers and learners outside the Gaeltacht, to use our Irish language service by pressing Number One when given the choice.


Written Service



All members of the public have the statutory right to send correspondence in Irish, in both written and electronic format, to Donegal County Council. The Council must respond to that correspondence in Irish.


When you, as a member of the public, receive correspondence initiated by Donegal County Council, as a part of a wider correspondence with other members of the public, or a particular class of the public, and this correspondence is aimed at furnishing you with information, then the Council has a statutory obligation to provide that correspondence at least in bilingual format, both Irish and English.


If you have received correspondence in English only, and if you feel it should have been issued bilingually, and if you wish to make us aware of this matter, you can contact our Irish Language Development Officer, using the contact details below, who will record your call/correspondence and seek to make improvements to the service, in conjunction with other departments of the Council.


Application Forms

You have a right to receive any Donegal County Council application form in the Irish language. If you have not been able to access an Irish version of an application form, you can contact our Irish Language Development Officer, using the contact details below, who will record your call/correspondence and seek to ensure prompt availability of the application form, in conjunction with the relevant department of the Council.


For Irish Language service issues, please contact:

Seán Ó Daimhín, Oifigeach Forbartha Gaeilge, Comhairle Contae Dhún na nGall, Teach an Chontae, Leifear, Contae Dhún na nGall. Phone: (074) 91 94238. Email: [email protected]