Forms and Links (The Valuation Office carry out valuations on commercial properties) (The Donegal Local Enterprise Office offers a range of services to businesses in Donegal).
Direct Debit Form (please complete and return to Donegal County Council).
Request for a revaluation due to a material change – please download an Application Form
Section 11 Form – to notify Donegal County Council when you cease to occupy a property or you sell the property.
Commercial Rates Incentive Scheme - Guidance Document
Scéim Dreasachta Rátaí Tráchtála - Treoracha
Commercial Rates Incentive Scheme - Application Form
Foirm Iarratais Scéim Dreasachta Rátaí Tráchtála
Please note this is a separate scheme for vacant properties and not the Increased Cost of Business Grant (ICOB) Scheme