An raibh a fhios agat?
Sleachta ón Chartlann
'The population of this wild mountainous district who have almost all small holdings of land are not likely to afford as many applicants for workhouse relief as the population of other districts of the county,' C. G. Otway, Coimisinéir Dhlí na mBocht, ag caint le Bord Bardachta na nGleanntach, Feabhra 1842. “The deep and heartfelt interest Lord George Hill is now, at such an awful crisis of distress and famine owing to the total failure of the potato crop, showing to alleviate the probable wants of his tenantry... would to God there was a Lord G Hill in every parish in Ireland." Leabhar Óstán Ghaoth Dobhair, cuairteoir a scríobh le linn an Ghorta, 1846.
‘At the same time rather than disgrace them by an eviction he is willing to send them to America provided they go without causing any further trouble’, Fógra deiridh an Tiarna Liatroim chuig beirt thionóntaí 'trioblóideacha' , 1865.
“I was grieved to hear of your illness. I hope and trust the change of air and the precious care of your sister may soon restore you. You ought not lightly to expose yourself to cold. Your life is too precious. The cause of our country shall require your help and the prestige of your name”. Isacc Butt ag scríobh chuig Michael Davitt, 1876.
“I am writing this on board the hospital ship Guildford Castle with my left hand…I got shot in the right one by a bullet which went in at the back of the hand.’ James Grove, ag scríobh i ndiaidh Chath Gallipoli, 1915.
“I was employed for 3 months on the London Daily Express. When I say it’s owned by Pearson you’ll understand how glad I was to leave,” Patrick MacGill, file (gan dáta).
“ The winter has set in with all its horrors for the needy poor. May I claim a crumb from the table of the Board?” Fear as Béal Átha Seanaidh, ar lorg cuidithe ó Bhord Bardachta Bhéal Átha Seanaidh, 1915. ‘We demand for the withdrawal of the military occupation which confronts our country and that a copy of this resolution be sent to foreign countries through the ministers of Dáil Éireann to compel England to withdraw her army of occupation and allow the elected parliament of the people of Ireland to function’, Rún de chuid Bhord Bardachta na nGleanntach le linn Chogadh na Saoirse, Meitheamh 1920.