It is an offence to burn waste materials. The Waste Management Act 1996 and the Waste Management (Prohibition of the Waste Disposal by Burning) Regulations introduced in 2009 prohibit the burning of waste in what is commonly known as uncontrolled backyard burning. Effectively there is a complete ban on the burning of waste, which includes the burning of any waste in open fires, ranges and other solid fuel appliances or in the open. It includes the burning of green waste and also the burning of waste on building sites. The law also includes the ban on burning waste in a so called garden incinerators either custom made or shop bought.
When burned most waste items create toxic and dangerous by-products. These are not destroyed by the fire and are emitted into the air we breathe. These pollutants can have profound long term health implications.
However, there is a provision in the Regulations to allow the farming community to burn hedge cuttings etc , subject to the notification of the Council before hand. You can download a Burning Notice Intention to Burn 2021.
This video from the EPA contains useful information on backyard burning, the health & legal implications as well as how to report incidents of backyard burning.
Concise Prescribed Burning Code of Practice (PDF)