Don’t leave children on their own in a room where there is a fire risk
Never let them play near the oven and hob.
Keep matches, lighters, candles and tea lights out of reach of children or in a locked cupboard.
Put a childproof fireguard in front of an open fire or heater.
Don’t let children play or leave toys near a fire or heater.
Keep portable heaters in a safe place where they can’t be knocked over when they are being used or stored.
Place plug guards into sockets so children can’t stick anything into the holes.
Keep your fire escape route clear of toys and other obstructions.
Teach your children what to do if there is a fire
Simple instructions can be easily remembered:
If you see smoke or fire, raise the alarm and tell a grown up immediately.
Get out of the building as soon as possible. Go to the house next door if you can and ask them to call 112.
If there is smoke in the room, crawl low along the floor.
Never hide in a cupboard or under the bed. Do all you can to raise the alarm and get out
If the way out is blocked, go into a room with a window. Put blankets or towels at the bottom of the door to stop smoke getting in. If there is a phone in the room, dial 112. If there isn’t a phone, open the window and shout – help!
Don’t go back into the building, not even for pets.
Opening Hours:
Closed on 1st January Motor Taxation:
9.15am to 12.15pm, and 1.15pm to 3pm (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Cash Office:
9am-12.30pm, and 1pm-4.00pm (Monday to Friday)
Other Services:
9am-12.30pm, and 1pm-4.30pm (Monday to Friday)
Donegal Libraries