The following briefing notes should be read in conjunction with the Development Contribution Scheme 2006-2007.
1. Adoption of Scheme
The Scheme was adopted at a Special Meeting of the Council held on the 26th January 2006.
2. Effective Date:
The rate of new charges will become effective from the 1st March 2006. Therefore, any decisions granted on the 1st March 2006 or after will be imposed with the new rates of charges.
3. Types of Charges
Charges for residential developments are levied under 4 categories (water & sewer; roads & marine; economic, community, culture; urban & village renewal) based on floor area.
There is no distinction between charges for houses in rural areas as opposed to houses in urban areas.
4. Water & Sewer Charge
The breakdown on the water & sewer per class of development is as follows:
Floor Area | Water | Sewer |
160m2 or less | €1500 | €100 |
160m2 – 200m2 | €1500 | €300 |
›200m2 | €2,100 | €300 |
Holiday Home/Apartment | €2,700 | €300 |
Holiday Home/Apartment (5 or more) | €1,700 | €300 |
Caravan/Mobile Home | €800 | _ |
Commercial per M2 | €1.75 | €1.75 |
Industry per M2 | €1.75 | €1.75 |
Warehousing/Storage | €1.75 | €1.75 |
5. Roads & Marine
There is no breakdown between the roads and marine element of the charge.
Shortfall in car parking charges, (with exceptions below) will be charged at €1000 per space for the first four spaces and €2000 per space thereafter, e.g. if there is a shortfall of 6 spaces, the total charge due will be €8000.
6. Economic, Community, Cultural
7. Urban & Village Renewal Charge
8. Imposing Special Development Contributions
Please see paragraph 5 on page 5 of the Scheme.
Engineers completing reports on planning applications should highlight if a special development contribution is to be raised and shall have regard to number 8 above.
9. Service Connection Charges
Development contributions are additional to the normal service connection charges for water, sewer, road openings, etc.
10. Calculating Floor Area
The floor area of proposed development shall be calculated as the net floor area. This means the floor area determined from the internal dimensions of the proposed buildings including internal walls. In the case of hotels the floor area shall include the bedroom blocks.
The floor area of attic space used for storage only and bona fide domestic garage attached to a dwelling is to be excluded when calculating the relevant development contribution payable.
Francie Coyle, Director of Services, Planning & Economic Development 22nd February 2006.