Background to the Proposed Variation
Strategic Environmental Assessment: Screening Consideration Outcome
In accordance with Article 13K(1) of the Planning and Development Regulations, 2001 (As Amended) the Authority has considered whether or not the Proposed Variation would be likely to have significant effects on the environment, taking into account the relevant criteria set out in Schedule 2A of said regulations. On foot of this consideration the Authority has now determined that the Proposed Variation would be likely to have significant effects on the environment in accordance with Article 13K(2) of said Regulations.
Consequently a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the proposed variation is required and an Environmental Report will therefore be prepared in respect of the Proposed Variation.
In compliance with Article 13K(5) of the aforementioned Regulations, copies of the Determination decision (in the form of a Chief Executive’s Order) are available for public inspection at the offices and libraries of the Council during office hours, subject to Covid-19 protocols. Copies of the associated ‘Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Report of Proposed Variation to the County Donegal Development Plan 2018-2024 in Respect Of The Proposed TEN-T Priority Route Improvement Project, Donegal October, 2020’, and a ‘Notice of Determination’ are also available for inspection at the said offices and libraries.
Also in compliance with Article 13K(5), a link to a copy of the said Determination decision (in the form of a Chief Executive’s Order) is provided below. Links are also provided to copies of the‘Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Report of Proposed Variation to the County Donegal Development Plan 2018-2024 in Respect Of The Proposed TEN-T Priority Route Improvement Project, Donegal October, 2020’, and a ‘Notice of Determination’.