Donegal County Council in partnership with Derry City and Strabane District Council is advancing two greenway projects as part of the wider North West Greenway Network (NWGN). The projects are being funded under the EU’s INTERREG programme, administered by Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).
Both projects, the 5km Muff to Quigley’s Point Greenway and the 7.5km Lifford to Castlefin Greenway, received Part 8 planning in May 2022 and July 2022 respectively and are scheduled to go to construction in 2023.
The proposed schemes will provide a segregated shared cycling/walking facility and are typically 6 metres in width overall, comprised of a separation strip from the road, a 3-metre wide cycle/walking surface and provision of a comfort strip separating the greenway from hedges and boundaries.
To help inform the detailed design of the schemes, a number of advance survey contracts are being progressed by Donegal County Council and are scheduled over the coming weeks and months.
The survey contracts include Archaeological Built Heritage surveys as well as some archaeological test trenching and metal detection surveys. Ground investigation contracts will also be undertaken to determine the typical ground conditions along the proposed routes.
Some privately owned land will be required to facilitate the construction of the schemes and Donegal County Council has appointed a valuation consultant who shall shortly contact and engage with affected landowners in regard to each scheme’s requirements.
Donegal County Council wish to express its gratitude to residents and landowners along the route for their continued engagement and positive involvement on the project.