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Flood Relief Schemes

Donegal Flood Relief Scheme Project


Kerrykeel Flood Relief Scheme

Kerrykeel FRS photo

To address flooding issues nationally, the Office of Public Works (OPW) have commissioned and completed Catchment and Flood Risk Management (CFRAM) studies across the country.  The North Western CFRAM Study was completed with support from Donegal County Council.  An output of the CFRAM study identified flood risk areas, including Kerrykeel, and the associated impacts of flooding. Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) were also prepared as part of the CFRAM Study.  The FRMP set out the measures and policies to be considered in more detail through a project level assessment so that the most cost effective and environmentally sustainable option to manage flood risk is identified and developed.  The North Western FRMP which includes Kerrykeel can be viewed here.


The Government’s National Development Plan to 2030 has ringfenced approximately €1.3 billion for the development of flood relief measures across Ireland. As part of this commitment, a steering group was established between the Office of Public Works (OPW) and Donegal County Council to undertake a project level assessment to identify and progress a flood relief scheme for Kerrykeel.



How the Flood Relief Scheme is being Progressed

Donegal County Council are providing technical and administrative support to the OPW to progress the project level assessment and to develop the preferred option for Kerrykeel Flood Relief Scheme. 

The OPW’s in-house Flood Relief and Risk Management team is currently undertaking detailed hydrology and flood risk analysis based on present day and future storm scenarios using the most up to date data.  OPW have installed a rain gauge in Kerrykeel to record rainfall depth every 15 minutes, giving us a better understanding of localised intense storm events that can cause flooding.  When the flood risk analysis is complete, the OPW will identify and assess the most effective flood relief measures to manage the risk to properties in Kerrykeel.  Options will be assessed against a range of criteria including technical, environmental, social and economic factors.  The OPW will prepare a report identifying the preferred option to be progressed through the statutory planning process.

The Standard of Protection (SoP) provided by the flood relief measures will prevent flooding to properties from flood events with a 1 in 100 year return period (in other words, floods that have a 1% chance of occurring in any given year) and will include adaptability to climate change. 




Based on the duration of analysis and tasks required to develop a flood relief scheme to a 100 year return period Standard of Protection, a best estimate of timescale is shown below.


  • Hydraulic Analysis – Ongoing


  • Identification of Preferred Option by the OPW – Q1 2023


  • Planning Process including Environmental Consents – 2023


  • Detailed Design and Construction - 2024


‌Donegal County Council are providing technical and administrative support to the OPW in identifying the preferred flood risk management option for Kerrykeel, including procurement and management of specialist surveys, environmental screening and technical review.  We are also available to answer any queries you may have at



Have your Say

The overall project objective is to develop a flood relief scheme for each community that is economically viable and technically, socially and environmentally acceptable.   We welcome your views on how this can be achieved for Kerrykeel.

A Public Engagement Event will be scheduled to present the Preferred Option and to advise on how this has been progressed and developed from the Flood Risk Management Plan.  Further information on date, time and venue will be published in the coming months.


You can contact us with any queries or comments by email at



You may write to us at:


Flood Relief Schemes Unit

Water Services Capital Office

Donegal County Council


Co. Donegal, F93 Y622


In 2023, as part of the statutory planning process for the Flood Relief Scheme, a public consultation will also be held.  The public will have access to Scheme documents and updates through this web page.



Updates on Progress


As we reach key project milestones for Kerrykeel, we will post updates on this web page and let you know on Donegal County Council’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.




Opening Times

Motor Taxation 9.15am to 12.15pm, and 1.15pm to 3pm (Tuesdays and Thursdays)

Cash Office 9am-12.30pm, and 1pm-4.00pm (Monday to Friday)

Other Services 9am-12.30pm, and 1pm-4.30pm (Monday to Friday)