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Taking in Charge of Housing Estates

Taking in Charge of Housing Estates

Declaration of Public Roads and Taking in Charge of Housing Estate Roads Act, 1993 Planning and Development Act,2000(as amended) February 2024 Notice

Declaration of Public Roads and Taking in Charge of Housing Estate Roads Act, 1993 Planning and Development Act,2000(as amended) January 2025 Notice

Donegal County Council’s current  policy on the taking in charge of housing developments was formally adopted at a Council Meeting on the 25th May 2015.

Section 180 of the Planning and Development Act 2000-2013 deals with the taking in charge of estates by the Local Authority. Where the development involves a multiple housing development and involves the construction of roads and services to facilitate the houses, then, subject to it being completed to the satisfaction of the Council, the taking in charge process will apply when formally requested to do so.

The adopted Take Over of Housing Estates Policy can be viewed at County House, Lifford or at any of the Public Service Centres.

Applications for the taking in charge of estates are invited from responsible bodies. Completed  Take Over of Housing Estates Application Form and associated documentation are to be submitted to:

Planning Authority,  
Estate Take Over Section, 
Neil T Blaney Road, 
County Donegal.

Recommendations for Site Development Works in Housing Areas 

Opening Times

Motor Taxation 9.15am to 12.15pm, and 1.15pm to 3pm (Tuesdays and Thursdays)

Cash Office 9am-12.30pm, and 1pm-4.00pm (Monday to Friday)

Other Services 9am-12.30pm, and 1pm-4.30pm (Monday to Friday)