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Home > Community


Public Consultation thumbnail Public Consultations

Have your say....


PPN Donegal Public Participation Network (PPN)

The link through which the community & voluntary sector

can have a direct role in the policy making and oversight

of local government

Community Funding image

Funding for Your Group

Development Fund Initiative, Members Development Fund,

Community Enhancement Programme, LEADER etc


  Outdoor Recreation in Donegal 

Outdoor Recreation Strategy

peace plus image  PEACE PLUS

What is PEACE PLUS, PEACE PLUS Committee, Public Consultation


Social Inclusion Logo  Social Inclusion

What is Social Inclusion? Donegal Age Friendly, EU Belong etc


 Recreational Facilities

Walking in Donegal, Playgrounds, Keeping Active, Leisure Centres, Donegal Marathon,

Go Visit Donegal


 Social Inclusion


Supporting Communities

Donegal Youth Council, Joint Policing Committee, Covid19 supports