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03/11/2023 - Polestar Roundabout Signalisation Update


The main objectives of the signalisation works are to optimise the traffic flow through the roundabout, as much as possible, and to provide safe crossing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.


Since the signals were turned on, a commissioning process has been ongoing to ensure the lights achieve the optimum balance of flows through the roundabout. Further commissioning works are planned at the roundabout next week commencing Monday 6th November to improve the phasing of the lights and to address the issues encountered to date. It is possible that additional traffic delays will be experienced as this process is carried out. This will continue to be monitored and changes will be made to improve the function of the signals where possible. We again ask for the patience of the motorists and the general public during this time.


We again reiterate that traffic congestion in Letterkenny and on those particularly busy roads converging at the Polestar Roundabout at peak times cannot be resolved by Traffic signalisation alone. While it will help provide assurance, reliability and greater safety for all road users, only significant new infrastructure such as the Ten-T Project and others can hope to resolve the peak time congestion issues within the town.


View the drawings here - N56 - Polestar Signalisation Revised Layout and Vehicle Routes