Donegal County Council is inviting community groups to apply for funding under the Minor Tourism Related Works Grant Scheme 2024. This scheme will fund works that will enhance tourism product offering in various locations in the county including for example signage, improved access to popular visitor sites and attractions such as waterfalls, heritage sites, historic graveyards*, scenic spots, picnic areas, beaches etc.
Application Deadline – all applications to be submitted to [email protected] by 5pm on Thursday March 28th 2024.
Administering the Scheme
This scheme will be administered by the Councils Tourism Unit which sits in the Economic Development Division. Funding is limited and applications will therefore be assessed on a competitive basis. Each application will be assessed in accordance with the following criteria:
1. All relevant statutory and regulatory permissions in place and or likely to be in place to allow full drawdown of funds by 30th June 2025.
2. Applicant must be a community group or other group that can demonstrate a bona-fide role and function in supporting community, social, economic or related development in County Donegal.
3. Evidence of ownership or written permission from owners to undertake proposed works.
4. Project must not cause displacement to an existing project or business within the same catchment or service delivery area.
5. All works must be fully complete, and all funding drawn down by 30th June 2025 from Donegal County Council.
Eligible activity
This scheme will fund works associated with minor related works that will enhance tourism product offering in various locations in the county including for example signage, improved access to popular visitor sites and attractions such as waterfalls, heritage sites, historic graveyards*, scenic spots, picnic areas, beaches etc.
Non eligible costs
The following costs are not eligible for funding under this scheme: employment costs, marketing costs, day to day running costs e.g. light, heat, insurance etc.
Amount of grant aid
The maximum grant which can be allocated to any project is €20,000.
Guidelines supporting the application process are available for download together with the application form and should be carefully read prior to making the submission.
Rate of Grant Aid
This grant aid is being offered at 100% of actual costs incurred. It should be noted that this grant is a recoupment grant and therefore a Group/Organisation must first spend from their own resources on the project and then claim reimbursement for these payments from the Council.
Making your Application
Applicants are advised to read the Scheme Guidelines in advance of completing the application form.
Read Scheme Guidelines in English
Read Scheme Guidelines in Irish
Download Application Form in English
Download Application Form in Irish
For queries and assistance, please contact: [email protected]
Eligible projects will be assessed by the Councils Executive to ensure that the application/proposals meet the criteria of the scheme as outlined above and recommendation from the executive will be provided to the elected members for their consideration and decision.
All projects under this scheme will be approved by the Elected Members of the respective Municipal District.
*Historic Graveyards (in the guardianship of Donegal County Council and as listed on Table 9, Appendix 3 of the Donegal County Development Plan 2018 – 2024)