Donegal County Council are delighted to welcome the announcement made by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, confirming that Lifford is one of 26 towns nationally that has been awarded support under the Streetscape Enhancement Initiative 2022 in the sum of €100,000.
Announcing the award Minister Humphreys said:
“This is a new initiative that I introduced as part of Our Rural Future. The response has been hugely positiv to date and I look forward to seeing works commence"
The Streetscape Enhancement Initiative is a key part of ‘Our Rural Future’ and is designed to make our rural towns and villages more attractive places to live, work and visit. Under the scheme, property owners will be provided with funding to improve the facades of their buildings, carry out artwork and install features such as canopies and street furniture.
Speaking about the Streetscape Enhancement Measure Liam Ward, Director of Community Development and Planning Services with Donegal County Council said: “This initiative is part of a suite of programmes through Town & Village, where we are working with communities and business across the County improving the visual amenity and appearance of our towns and villages, building capacity and supporting local business. These programmes work particularly well in the County given the scale and size of many of our settlements and we are very much looking forward to seeing the results on the ground.’
The Application process for the Initiative is now open - Streetscape Enhancement Initiative - Application Form
Who can apply?
Owner/Occupier of the premises (occupier must have permission from the owner) in the designated town centre area of Lifford Streetscape Enhancement Initiative Eligible Area Map
What type of premises are eligible?
Commercial, residential or unoccupied buildings in Lifford Town Centre area as outlined on the Streetscape Enhancement Initiative Eligible Area Map
What works are eligible?
Grant Rates
Grant funding will be provided at 100% of project costs up to a maximum of €4,000 per building as follows:-
All works must be completed by 1st October 2023.
What you need to apply
(Final two items listed required solely to set grant recipient up on Donegal County Council's payment system).
Buildings must be painted in complementary traditional/heritage colours
Applicants Eircode must be included in the application
Completed Applications and supporting documentation should be submitted by email to [email protected] Please include Streetscape Lifford in the subject line.
By post to Streetscape Enhancement Initiative, Community Section, Donegal County Council, Station Island, Lifford, F93 X7PK.
Links to relevant documents:-
Streetscape Enhancement Initiative - Application Form
Streetscape Enhancement Initiative - Measure Outline