Project Status: Live Project |
Project Manager: Paul Earley |
EU Programme: Northern Periphery and Arctic (2021 - 2027) |
Project Budget: €1,498,935.40 |
Start Date: June, 2023 |
Finish Date: May, 2026 |
Project Website: Coming soon |
The aim of the project is to develop a community - based Virtual Power Plant (cVPP) and a viable business model to support it in 5 communities of Finland, Icelane, Ireland and Faroe Islands.
The overall objective is to use transnational cooperation to exploit information technologies to link multiple small energy systems and operate them in coordination like a utility-scale power station to balance electricity demand and production.
The main output is a cVPP model for deployment in a typical NPA community with 5 distributed energy resource (DER) solutions applied and an online demonstration service.