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Environmental Complaint

PART A – Who to Contact


Step One - Contact the Person or Business Directly


In many cases, it will be possible to resolve an environmental problem by contacting the person or business that you think is causing the problem directly. If you would prefer not to take this option, please move on to Step Two.


If you do contact the person or business directly, it is best to decide before you make contact what outcome you would like to see. Then contact them directly, by phone or in writing and outline the issue that needs to be resolved, how you would like to see it resolved and agree a timescale for this to be achieved.


Some areas, like wildlife & habitat protection, workplace health & safety, and public health are the responsibility of specific public bodies.


Rather than go through this complaints process you have the option of bringing your own actions under many sections of environmental law. ENFO has produced a leaflet, "Citizen’s Role as Enforcer of Environmental & Planning Law", which explains this. ENFO can be reached on LoCall 1890 200 191 or



Step Two - Contact the Local Authority


If the first step in the process has not produced a satisfactory result, please contact your local authority except where your concern is about a business with an EPA licence. The EPA licenses large industry or large waste management facilities such as landfills. In this case, please move to Step Three.


So, where the problem relates to matters like littering, backyard burning, water pollution, noise, dust and smells you should be contacting the local authority, unless the business has an EPA licence.


Contact Local Authority Complaints Co-ordinator


Contact Details for Local Authority Out of Office Hours Complaints Service



Step Three - Contact the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


If you’ve been dealing with an EPA licensed site and the problem has not been resolved then you should contact the EPA. Also, in cases where a local authority has investigated your complaint and the problem persists, please contact the EPA. The EPA will then investigate the issue and resolve it where possible. It is important to note that the EPA will not become involved in investigating an issue that should be resolved by a local authority, until the relevant local authority has been given an opportunity to investigate and resolve the issue.


PART B – What to Say and Do


When you are seeking to resolve an environmental problem, whether you are at Step 1, 2 or 3, keep the following things in mind.


Keep a record

If you have chosen to get in contact by phone, it is good practice to take note of the date and time of the call, the name of the person you spoke to, the main points of the conversation, what actions have been undertaken by the person contacted and by yourself. Where further calls are made the same information should be taken and retained.


Details are important

Give as much detail as possible – Who? What? When? Where?


Follow up

You may wish to follow up any phone calls in writing or by e-mail. If so, make sure you keep a copy of any correspondence. This information may be useful in later steps of the process.


On-line form

You can also use the Environmental Complaint Form available on the local authority’s or EPA website and also at the local authority or EPA offices. Contact details, including website addresses, for all local authorities and the EPA can be found at the back of this leaflet. Again, please remember to keep a copy of all correspondence.


Keeping abreast of progress

When you make a complaint, you will be told how your complaint will be dealt with. Some problems can be resolved quickly. However, some environmental problems by their nature can take a considerable amount of time to resolve. If you would like to hear more about progress on your complaint, please contact the relevant local authority or EPA office where you lodged your complaint.



To progress its investigation the local authority or the EPA will, in many cases, need to be able to contact you for further information or assistance. You will be encouraged to give your name and contact details, as investigating anonymous complaints can be very difficult. You can request that your name and contact details be kept confidential.


In order to maintain a complete public record of activities relating to an EPA licensed facility/site, it is normal practice that complaint details about licensed facilities are put on public file. Again, you can request that your name and contact details be kept confidential in which case your name and details will be withheld from the public file.


Please note that information submitted to public bodies is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003.


Your role as a witness

Finally, in some instances it may be necessary that a court action be taken to resolve a problem.  If this is the case you may be asked to act as a witness and to give sworn testimony.


Complaint forms


The OEE provides complaint forms to assist you in making a complaint. Remember to give sufficient evidence and information for the OEE to follow up on your concerns.


The OEE will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and let you know what actions it intends to take in relation to it.


Use the following complaint forms:



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