In Ireland, legislation is provided for the regulation of:
Instances of non-compliance with this legislation may result in a fixed payment notice (on-the-spot fine) of a minimum of €500. To avoid a fixed payment notice, you must be registered with your local authority for a valid Certificate of Compliance. Please refer to the above legislation for your activities that require a certificate.
The purpose of this legislation is to ensure that emissions to air are regulated, and environmental pollution is restricted.
Approved Assessors
The details of the only Approved Assessor currently operating in Ireland are as follows:
EnviroGuide Consulting – Address: Head Office, EnviroGuide Consulting, 3D, Core C, Block 71, The Plaza, Park West, Dublin 12, D12F9TN
Phone: 01 2711896
Email: [email protected]
All operators must engage the services of the approved assessor for the purposes of getting their premises inspected for a compliance report and pay them directly. The approved assessor’s compliance report will either recommend or decline the issuing of a compliance certificate. The recommendation should be forwarded to Donegal County Council by the owner/operator with an application for a Certificate of Compliance, with the appropriate fee (€70). The Council will then issue a valid Certificate of Compliance which will last for a period of either 2 or 3 years (depending on the activity), after which a further inspection will be required to repeat the process.
Further Information:
Best Practice Guidelines for Dry Cleaners 2012
Recommendations on the Disposal of Separator Water
Best Practice Guidelines for Vehicle Refinishing 2012
EPA Information on Decorative Paints Directive
National Vehicle Refurnisher Register
Vehicle Refurnishing Info Leaflet
EPA Decorative Paints Youtube Video
County Donegal Vehicle Refinishing Installations Currently Certified (as of 7th November 2022) under the European Union (Paints, Varnishes, Vehicle Refinishing Products & Activities) Regulations 2012