The Fire Safety Education Programme - “Safety Team” was launched in November 2006 by the Department of Environment, Heritage, and Local Government. It aimed to reach 53,000 primary students in 3,300 schools across the country on an annual basis.
As part of cross border co-operation between Northern Ireland Fire Brigade (NIFB) and the Fire Service in the Republic of Ireland the programme is being undertaken with the assistance of the NIFB “Safety Team” Pack. The “Safety Team” pack is a colourful age appropriate pack and has been designed by the Community Development Team of the NIFB. Each participating student receives a “Safety Team” pack.
Every year the Programme is delivered in a one hour lesson by specially trained Fire Service personnel from each brigade area to all 3rd class pupils of each of the 187 primary schools in Donegal. The aim of the presentation is to establish a positive link between the community and the Fire Service and as part of their homework the children are required to interact with their families and domestic surroundings on elements of the programme. This interaction puts the problem and the solution together in the same place at the same making it more likely that any Fire safety issues in the home will be immediately and successfully addressed.
Topics included in the Programme are as follows: