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Historic Graveyards

Killydonnell Friary & Graveyard is protected under the National Monuments Acts (1930-2004)

Killydonnell Friary & Graveyard is protected under the National Monuments Acts


Burial grounds are areas in which individuals and community groups come into contact with various elements of our archaeological heritage. Most older burial grounds in County Donegal are on the Record of Monuments & Places and, as required under the National Monuments Acts, permission must be sought in writing from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage two months before any planned works are proposed to begin. Donegal County Council seeks to ensure that individuals and groups planning works in burial grounds comply with this statutory requirement. There are circa 50 burial grounds in the guardianship of Donegal County Council. With the enactment of the National Monuments (Amendment) Act of 2004, any archaeological sites on the Record of Monuments & Places in the ownership/care of local authorities are, in effect, National Monuments. This means that written permission must be obtained from the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage before any works take place on, or near, these sites. The Minister is required to consult with the Director of the National Museum in making a decision.


Historic Graveyards in guardianship of Donegal County Council


Guidance for the Care, Conservation & Recording of Historic Graveyards (Booklet) 


The Care & Conservation of Graveyards (Booklet) 


Ireland's Historic Churches & Graveyards (Brochure) 


Ruins: the care and conservation of masonry ruins (Booklet)