~ Proposed Wind Energy Policy Variation of the County Donegal Development Plan 2018-2024
In light of both the High Court Order as referred to below and also publication of the Draft Wind Energy Guidelines on 12th December 2019, Donegal County Council is preparing a Variation on Wind Energy with a view to publishing a draft Variation in Q2/Q3 of 2020.
Note Regarding Wind Energy Policy
(This note is explanatory only and does not form part of
the County Donegal Development Plan 2018-2024)
By Order made on the 5th day of November, 2018, in proceedings bearing Record Number 2018/533JR between Planree Limited, Applicant and Donegal County Council, Respondent, certain provisions of the County Donegal Development Plan 2018-2024, being Section 6.5(c) and (f) of the Wind Energy standards at Part B: Appendix 3, Development Guidelines and Technical Standards and Map 8.2.1 as contained in the County Donegal Development Plan 2018-2024 as published were ordered to be deleted and/or removed from the County Donegal Development Plan 2018-2024. The Development Plan should be read in light of the Order in question pending any possible future variation of same.
Dated this 5th day of November 2018
Donegal County Council
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